Ulyani Black and White Stripe Tops
Ulyani Black and White Stripe Tops
Regular price
Rp 98.100
Regular price
Rp 398.000
Sale price
Rp 98.100
Unit price
Simple but worth having! Ulyani Black and White Stripe Tops bisa jadi baju pilihan kamu untuk bersantai bersama teman atau sekedar pergi ke supermarket dan melakukan hal-hal sederhana lainnya. Detail crewneck, siluet batwing, hingga potongan lengan yang lurus tanpa manset, ditambah bahan cotton combed lembut akan membuat level kenyamanan kamu naik ke yang paling tinggi! Untuk tampilan santai namun tetap chic, kamu bisa padukan top ini dengan celana kulot berwarna netral, seperti broken white atau ecru. Untuk kerudung, kamu bisa padukan dengan warna senada.
Simple but worth having! Ulyani Black and White Stripe Top can be your choice for relaxing with friends or just going to the supermarket and doing other simple things. Crewneck detail, batwing silhouette, straight sleeves without cuffs, plus soft cotton combed material will make your comfort level rise to the highest level! For a relaxed but still chic look, you can combine this top with neutral colored culottes, such as broken white or ecru. For the scarf, you can combine it with a matching color
Size Available :
Fabric :
Cotton Combed
Fabric Detail :
Cotton Embroidery : Soft & comfy fabric, non- textured, non-stretch, non-transparent
Weight :
0.359 kg
Care :
Machine-washed but better hand-washed due to prevent fabric from damage, iron at medium temperature.
Machine-washed but better hand-washed due to prevent fabric from damage, iron at medium temperature.
Noted :
Colors might be slightly difference between the images and the original colors, depend on the type of your devices
Colors might be slightly difference between the images and the original colors, depend on the type of your devices
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